
First API, then GUI

This post is a dump of my "stream of conscious" (or to put it differently - my emotional mumblings) about the way we waste our time writing clickable GUI tools to run testing scenarios so we can verify the correctness of the software we write.


SQL Database Diagrams with SchemaSpy, HSQLDB and Groovy

The source code is available at github. Enjoy !
This post shows how to generate nice database diagrams using SchemaSpy, HSQLDB and Groovy. And, what is crucial, to do so in programmatic way, that is without clicking any GUI.


"Untestable" code - Groovy

This is a part of "Untestable code" series. See the introduction to know what is it all about (yes, you really should go there, do it).

The main idea of the series is to write unit-tests for a particularly nasty piece of code. In this part I will use Groovy language to write test cases... well, not exactly. The point is that you can't do it with Groovy. :(


Maven ? Ant ? ...or Gradle ?!

Are you using Maven ? Or maybe you hate Maven and you still use Ant ? Or maybe you feel that both are not enough and you are looking for something else. Than look no more, cause Gradle offers what you need.


GeeCON 2009 conference, Cracow, Poland

The GeeCON 2009 ( conference is over :( This is a sad news, because this event was GREAT !

It took place on 7-8th of May in my home town of Cracow, Poland. I enjoyed every bit of it - from interesting sessions to great catering.

GeeCON 2009

This conference was special to me, because I was one of the speakers there with "Automation of functional tests" session. :)


Untestable Code - introduction

This is the first part of series of posts dedicated to the problems of unit-testing of some "untestable" code.

Sometimes, (more often than I'm ready to admit), I stumble over a piece of code which makes me doubt completely in my testing skills and sometimes even in unit testing in general. I've spend a lot of time trying to deal with such a "untestable" code. In this series of posts I'm gonna show you what I've learned.


This used to be my blog. I moved to long time ago.


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