Jenkins Maven - No SNAPSHOT project in the reactor projects list
Submitted by Tomek Kaczanowski on Thu, 12/13/2012 - 23:56Sometimes when releasing your projects on Jenkins you will encounter this Maven error message:
You don't have a SNAPSHOT project in the reactor projects list
even if your pom.xml contains proper (x.y-SNAPSHOT) version.
Two Common Issues With Maven-Release-Plugin
Submitted by Tomek Kaczanowski on Tue, 10/11/2011 - 12:34Recently, when working with maven-release-plugin (used in some old, long forgotten codebase) we encountered few issues. This post explains two of them.
SQL Database Diagrams with SchemaSpy, HSQLDB and Groovy
Submitted by Tomek Kaczanowski on Mon, 12/27/2010 - 10:32The source code is available at github. Enjoy !
This post shows how to generate nice database diagrams using SchemaSpy, HSQLDB and Groovy. And, what is crucial, to do so in programmatic way, that is without clicking any GUI.
Build Script Length - Maven 3, Polyglot Maven, Gradle and Ant
Submitted by Tomek Kaczanowski on Thu, 11/04/2010 - 14:12A short comparison of length of the build files of Maven 3, Polyglot Maven (Groovy version), Ant and Gradle. Please notice that this is NOT a full comparison of these build frameworks!
Will Hibernate Switch From Maven to Gradle?
Submitted by Tomek Kaczanowski on Tue, 07/06/2010 - 23:01Based on 'Gradle: why?' blog post from Steve Ebersole it seems like Hibernate is moving from Maven2 to Gradle!
Steve's post is really worth reading. He sums up his 2,5 year of Maven experiences and explains why he thinks of its time to move.
That would be just great for Gradle to "capture" such famous project! Go Gradle, go! :)
[Updated 2010-09-24 Hibernate's trunk still uses Maven. I can see two Gradle branches though:]
Builds Are Complex So Choose Your Tools Wisely
Submitted by Tomek Kaczanowski on Tue, 06/08/2010 - 20:25While preparing for Javarsovia 2010 Gradle speech I tried to list all things that are performed during builds. I remembered few last projects of mine and tried to categorize various actions that happen during their build. The result surprised me - seems like today's builds do a lot of very different stuff.
Gradle talk - Java Camp #3, 10 April 2010 - slides and source code
Submitted by Tomek Kaczanowski on Mon, 04/12/2010 - 19:24If you are interested in slides (in polish) and source code of
Gradle presentation that I gave during Java Camp #3 (10 April 2010,
Cracow, Poland) you will find them here.
Gradle talk - Java Camp #3, 10 April 2010, Cracow, Poland
Submitted by Tomek Kaczanowski on Thu, 04/08/2010 - 11:38If you happen to be in Cracow (Poland) this Saturday (10 April 2010) and you know polish :) you might be interested in attending the Java Camp #3 conference. See for detailed agenda.
I'm happy to announce that I will give a talk on Gradle at 11 am. I have 1,5 hour to present Gradle and show how it compares to Ant/Maven. My plan is to show a lot of code to present how Gradle can solve real-life scenarios ...and bash Ant/Maven along the way ;).
Hope you will be there !
Clirr Maven Plugin - inner classes problem
Submitted by Tomek Kaczanowski on Fri, 12/04/2009 - 14:22Do you know this nice tool called Clirr and its Maven plugin ? Well, it is very nice, although it fails miserably in case of some inner class changes. Thus, it doesn't work for some of my projects. :(
Apache Maven 2 Effective Implementation - book review
Submitted by Tomek Kaczanowski on Mon, 11/16/2009 - 21:00This is a review of "Apache Maven 2 Effective Implementation" book by Brett Porter and Maria Odea Ching (Packt Publishing, 2009)
This used to be my blog. I moved to long time ago.