
Soft Assertions? Rarely Useful

Soft assertions - are they really so cool as they seem?


Refactoring Time-Related Test

This is a short story of a bad "refactor" of test code. In Poland we say, that "dobrymi chęciami piekło brukowano", which basically means, that trying to do something good can lead to really bad results. Well, I tried to do something good and I failed. Let us take a closer look.


Sign your work

Few days ago I learned a very simple, yet powerful trick which saved me some time. To make long story short, it happened on a test environment shared between few projects.


The Joy Of Greenfield Project Coding - Takeaways

It has been few weeks since I stared my new project. I think I'm ready for some wrap up.


The Joy Of Greenfield Project Coding - Part 3

This is a continuation of part 1 and part 2.


The Joy Of Greenfield Project Coding - Part 2

This post is a continuation of what was described in part 1.


The Joy Of Greenfield Project Coding - Part 1

Recently I had a chance to start from a scratch. A brand new internal project. Oh yeah! :)


Testing Google Guava EventBus

Recently I have used Google Guava EventBus in one of my projects. It worked pretty well but testing it was kind of a challenge.

If you are not familiar with the EventBus you can learn more about it here.



Na codzień pracuję jako developer Javy i team lead. Piszę sporo kodu. Prowadzenie szkoleń to tylko dodatkowe zajęcie. W czasie szkoleń przedstawiam te techniki i narzędzia, które sam wypróbowałem.

Ukończyłem również kurs trenerski, i wciąż doskonale swój warsztat szkoleniowy.

Jeżeli zależy Ci na jakości software produkowanego przez Twój zespół, to z chęcią zaproponuję szkolenia, które pomogą developerom wspiąć się na wyższy pułap umiejętności.


REST Testing MindMap

1000 words about testing of REST. Nothing impressive, simply a dump of my thought regarding this subject.


This used to be my blog. I moved to http://tomek.kaczanowscy.pl long time ago.


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