software craftsmanship
Rubber Duck Not Only For Code Reviews
Submitted by Tomek Kaczanowski on Tue, 09/15/2015 - 20:35We all know that rubber duck is programmer's best friend (it was also proven that such duck should be yellow for maximum effect). Not surprisingly I have also a yellow toy on my desk. But it is not a duck. It is a little yellow human-like figure.
Sign your work
Submitted by Tomek Kaczanowski on Mon, 04/13/2015 - 21:27Few days ago I learned a very simple, yet powerful trick which saved me some time. To make long story short, it happened on a test environment shared between few projects.
Thinking in Systems
Submitted by Tomek Kaczanowski on Tue, 12/16/2014 - 23:02I've been reading "Thinking in Systems" by Donella H. Meadows recently. A good book, definitely worth my time (and yours probably as well). Among many interesting things I have found three, which draw my attention, because of some IT/programming connotations.
The Joy Of Greenfield Project Coding - Takeaways
Submitted by Tomek Kaczanowski on Thu, 12/04/2014 - 22:56It has been few weeks since I stared my new project. I think I'm ready for some wrap up.
The Joy Of Greenfield Project Coding - Part 3
Submitted by Tomek Kaczanowski on Tue, 10/14/2014 - 21:04The Joy Of Greenfield Project Coding - Part 2
Submitted by Tomek Kaczanowski on Fri, 10/10/2014 - 20:00This post is a continuation of what was described in part 1.
The Joy Of Greenfield Project Coding - Part 1
Submitted by Tomek Kaczanowski on Thu, 10/09/2014 - 20:11Recently I had a chance to start from a scratch. A brand new internal project. Oh yeah! :)
Submitted by Tomek Kaczanowski on Tue, 06/17/2014 - 18:48Na codzień pracuję jako developer Javy i team lead. Piszę sporo kodu. Prowadzenie szkoleń to tylko dodatkowe zajęcie. W czasie szkoleń przedstawiam te techniki i narzędzia, które sam wypróbowałem.
Ukończyłem również kurs trenerski, i wciąż doskonale swój warsztat szkoleniowy.
Jeżeli zależy Ci na jakości software produkowanego przez Twój zespół, to z chęcią zaproponuję szkolenia, które pomogą developerom wspiąć się na wyższy pułap umiejętności.
HavaRunner, TestNG Reports and TDD Katas
Submitted by Tomek Kaczanowski on Thu, 01/09/2014 - 22:01Recently I've spent some time browsing the Net and learned about some new stuff ("new" meaning "new to me") that I would like to share with you. Let us have a look at HavaRunner, some nice TestNG reports, and TDD Katas.
This used to be my blog. I moved to long time ago.